Pursuing faith in community

You are right in the thick of so much life right now! So many unique challenges, decisions and opportunities. What degree will you pursue? What career will you pursue? What relationships will you pursue? We’re talkin’ big life stuff here! But Jesus said, “What do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul?” And that’s why pursuing faith in community is so important! It’s not something we can risk putting on the back burner until we’ve got all the other stuff sorted. So, no matter where you are at in matters of faith, we hope you’ll join us in this pursuit!


No matter where you are in your spiritual journey, or how long you have been tracking with Cobourg Alliance in that journey, connecting with other young adults in our community is a great next step! 


Cobourg Alliance Young Adults (18 to 30ish) connect through casual meetups and events. Join the group to stay in the loop and jump in whenever something works for you. Click the button below to get started.


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