Go and make disciples of all nations

The Alliance Canada was built on the foundation of one of the great sending statements of Jesus, "go and make disciples of all nations" (Matthew 28:19). Since the 1800's our family of churches has been sending workers to the most hurting people, in the farthest reaches of the globe. Since the beginning, Cobourg Alliance Church has supported international workers in this global mission to share the love of God in the person of Jesus. We believe strong partnerships allow us to have the most significant global impact.


New Ventures Canada works to develop new leaders in new places, leading new churches across Canada to reach new people with the gospel of Jesus.


Through Global Advance, The Alliance Canada supports international workers worldwide who are serving so more people will have access to Jesus.

International Partners

Dan and Jenica VanEssen | MEXICO CITY

Dan and Jenica, along with the boys Elliot and Arie, began their ministry in Mexico City in 2016, after a year of language study in Costa Rica. Dan and Jenica have always been about discipleship (training yourself to hear God's voice, obey what he says and teach others to do the same). The dream for their second term is to live out disciple-making and invite Mexicans with a heart for missions to explore, experiment and be equipped to follow God to the ends of the earth.

Jesse and Priscilla Wong | RWANDA

Dr. Jesse, Priscilla, Ethan (9) and Oliver (8) have been serving in Rwanda as medical missionaries since 2014. They are serving at a mission hospital in the capital city of Kigali.


Their focus is to raise up the next generation of Godly Rwandan dentists through training and discipleship. To receive their newsletters, contact them at

Burnett Family | THAILAND

Derek and Bonnie Burnett and their three children have been serving with the C&MA in Thailand since 1999. In that time, they have helped train local church leaders, planted an international church and taught at the C&MA Bible school. In 2021, the Lord moved them to southern Thailand to begin a new ministry among the unreached people group there.


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